Swimming pools, which have been indispensable for the hotel holiday concept in recent years, have now found a place among the standard recreation, sports and entertainment applications not only in hotels and gyms, but also in private residences, social facilities and living spaces. Exposure to chemicals while using swimming pools for sports or relaxation poses a significant threat to human health. 


It is a very common practice in Europe for swimming pools to consist of natural systems that comply with health standards. Bioart has included swimming pool applications designed without the use of chemicals in its product portfolio.   

Just like in biological pond systems, in biological swimming pools where the water is cleaned by bacteria in the environment without the need for chlorine or any other chemicals, the pollution in the water is cleaned by microorganisms. In order to tolerate pollution caused by humans, the cycle time of water is provided faster than in biological ponds. For this purpose, the size of the regeneration area is determined according to the size of the swimming pool and intensity of use. Biological swimming pools provide the opportunity to swim in completely natural water without the smell of chlorine and chemical damage.


Biological swimming pools can be built by allocating between 10% and 50% of the total area to plants, or they can be created without using any plants. While it can be built to look like a modern swimming pool, biological swimming pools can be built to look like a completely natural pond.


BioArt Ekolojik Yüzme Havuzu Projelerimiz

Bioart ecological swimming pools are one of the leading alternative water purification technologies of the 21st century. It not only provides clarity but also offers naturally pure water, free from chemicals and dissolved contaminants. In addition to being bright, clean and comfortable, it is easier to clean than a regular pool and is an energy-saving option
